Friday, July 22, 2011

Lulu Schnitzel

When we first brought home Lulu, I ran into a lady at my son's school who asked me if she was our "first dachshund?". I said yes and she told me that their family had had many. She then ended with a laugh and said "they're funny- you"ll see!" ....

She was right! :)

We love you Lulu!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time for a little RAK

Today I dropped into a bookstore with a bookmark that I had made. I decided to go to the "self help" section and slide it between two books. Hopefully it will make someone smile soon :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love in a text message

RAK- it's so easy these days to send a text message to someone you love- for a change take a photo of a message that you hand write and send it to someone special- you can have fun and write the message on a piece of fruit- a rock- anything!
This is one I sent my hubby today :)
Anthony's RAK on his second day of summer vacation was spent at school (yes- you read it right!) helping his 4th grade teacher move into a new classroom! Go Anthony!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Our First RAK!

This afternoon Anthony and I did our first RAK for our Summer Love Project. We headed to the store to purchase two happy face balloons. On the side we wrote notes... "Happy Monday! We hope that you have a great week!" Then we headed out to find a couple of cars to put them on. When we were done Anthony was soooo happy and excited! :) "We should get more balloons!" What a fun way to start our summer! hugs, lori

Outdoor Art Wall :)

As we were driving through Claremont we spotted this "outdoor gallery". Filled with fun children's art it was outside of a home right along the street. I'm thinking of doing this in the alley behind our home... we can call it "Alley Art" :) Will post a picture when we get it up!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yay- Summer's here!

School's out for my son Anthony! We have decided to do a summer project this year. Starting tomorrow we will do a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) each day and write about it in our journals and post it here on our website/blog. We will try to include photos also. We named our project "Summer Love" and hope to spread lots of love and kindness to our friends, family, neighbors and strangers. We also are having "Art Wednesdays" and hope to post our creations here. So if you have nothing better to do, join us here for a minute everyday and see what we've been up to! hugs, lori